Installation Steps for gp_Clothingshop.
Please go through each step carefully and allow enough time. Support tickets opened due to simple errors will be forwarded to the documentation.
1. Download
Download the latest version of the script from your keymaster account.
2. Framework adjustments
a) Open qb-clothing/client/main.lua and insert this code snipped.
b) Navigate to qb-clothing/config.lua Remove every shop you do not need in Config.Shops. Remove every wardrobe you dont need in Config.OutfitChangers. Remove every clothingroom you dont need in Config.ClothingRooms.
c) Restart your Server to apply the changes! Some Scripts have qb-clothing as dependency. So do not just restart the Script!
3. Insert SQL
Restart your server in order to apply database changes.
4. Set configuration file
Go through the gp_Clothingshop/configs/config.lua file step by step and adjust it to suit your needs. All points are described in the file and should be clear so far.
5. Translate the Script
The script must be translated at several points.
a) Translation of gp_Clothingshop/locales/de.lua or gp_Clothingshop/locales/en.lua or create a new one like the other ones.
b) Translation of gp_Clothingshop/locales/ui_translations.js This file contains one of two halves for the translation of the UI. Simply translate this file to your liking.
c) The second half of the UI translation must be translated in gp_Clothingshop/web/index.html. This file contains the basic structure of the UI. Translate the remaining parts.
It is quite possible that I have overlooked translations myself and they are still in the encrypted files. If this is the case, please open a ticket on my Support Discord and I will take care of it. Thanks!
6. Explanation of Config.js
You can create clothing stores in the in-game creator. There are 3 drop-down menus for the clothing categories, blacklist and clothing categories that can be hidden.
Here is a small excerpt of ClothingCategories.
a) “basic” is the name of the setting.
b) The added categories must be numbered consecutively.
c) Each category must contain a name, label, price and defaultPerspective.
data typ
string or nil
The componentID of the clothing component.
Label what is displayed in the clothing store.
The price that is charged.
The camera setting that is set when the category is selected.
Example of a new Setting named "mask":
7. Change Logo for clothingshops
The logo that is displayed in the clothing stores is located in gp_Clothingshop/configs as logo.png.
You can change the logo as you wish.
Just make sure that the name is exactly "logo.png"
Last updated